Vucic retaliated with a video: I won't run away. Later on December 9, local time, Vucic posted a video on social media "Telegram" saying that although western-funded protesters tried to "subvert the regime" in Serbia, the government had no intention of giving up. "If they think I am Assad, I will flee somewhere, then I won't." (Observer Network)South Korea's former defense minister tried to commit suicide in prison. The Korean Ministry of Justice disclosed details. According to Yonhap News Agency's report on the 11th, South Korea's former defense minister Jin Longxian attempted suicide in prison on the evening of 10th. In response, Shen Ronghai, head of the Department of Corrections of the Korean Ministry of Justice, said that at present, Jin Longxian "has no abnormal physical condition." According to the report, Shen Ronghai said on the 11th that at around 11: 52 last night (10th), before the arrest warrant was issued, the staff found him trying to connect clothes into a rope in the bathroom in an attempt to commit suicide. Shen Ronghai added that the staff immediately took action and opened the door, and then Jin Longxian gave up suicide. At present, Jin Longxian has been placed in the protection room, and according to the report, his physical condition is not abnormal for the time being. (Yonhap News Agency)Hanwei Technology and others set up a new company in Hubei, including geographic remote sensing information service business. The enterprise search APP shows that recently, Hubei Hanwei Water Technology Co., Ltd. was established, with Zhao Shuai as the legal representative and a registered capital of 10 million yuan. Its business scope includes: intelligent instrument manufacturing; Industrial automatic control system device manufacturing; Research and development of mechanical equipment; Intelligent control system integration; Internet of things equipment sales; Geographic remote sensing information service, etc. Enterprise survey shows that the company is jointly owned by Hanwei Water Technology (Henan) Co., Ltd. and Li Yuhua, a subsidiary of Hanwei Technology.
Vietnam Customs: The export volume of rice in November was 704,608 tons.Sony group's share price hit a record high in intraday trading.According to the monetary authority of singapore survey, economists predict that the core inflation rate will be 1.8% in 2025.
Before the Bank of Japan's policy meeting, it released chaotic signals. Japanese traders were confused about when to raise interest rates. After the Bank of Japan officials' remarks and media reports sent different signals, traders have been confused about when the central bank might raise interest rates in the past week. This kind of confusion led to sharp fluctuations in the market's interest rate hike bets. The overnight index swap pricing showed that the probability of raising interest rates in December was 22%, which was significantly lower than 60% at the beginning of last week. This week, the yen fell from 150 last Friday to a low of 152.18 to the dollar, and the exchange rate was 151.73 at 10:40 Tokyo time. Kazuo Ueda, governor of the Bank of Japan, said in an interview last month that the interest rate hike was approaching. A few days later, a report by the news agency emphasized the concern of the central bank about raising interest rates prematurely. Tomaki Nakamura, a member of the Dove Policy Committee, said last week that he was not opposed to raising interest rates, but this month's policy decision must consider data factors.Vietnam Customs: In November, the coffee export was 63,019 tons; Rubber exports are 230,574 tons.Does the United States or cancel the recognition of the "Sham Liberation Organization" terrorist organization? US officials responded that according to media reports such as CNN, John Kirby, strategic communication coordinator of the US White House National Security Council, said on the 10th local time that the United States has not seriously discussed the cancellation of the Syrian opposition "Sharm Liberation Organization" (HTS) terrorist organization identification. Earlier, some media quoted an anonymous senior official of the US government as saying that the US government did not rule out removing HTS from the list of terrorist organizations recognized by the United States in order to establish closer ties with it. (World Wide Web)
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